What is Hajj? Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Hajj represents one of the peak experiences in the life of a Muslim. The Hajj or pilgrimage is made to the sacred places of Islam and around mecca. Once in a lifetime every Muslim man or woman is expected unless it is impossible to make a pilgrimage a hajj to mecca. The pilgrim should perform the duties of hajj during the sacred month dhul hijjah so as to enter with thousands of others into the annual mass observance of the circumlocution of the Kaaba. The Hajj formally begins of the eight day of Zul-hijjah- the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar.
Before performing the Hajj the pilgrims spend the Day of Arafah (ninth day of Zul-Hijjah) in Arafah. Pilgrims commit the entire day to supplication and devotion. In the evening they move to Muzdalifa. They camp there overnight and offer various prayers. On the tenth day of Zul-Hijjah they return to Mina and throw seven pebbles at a pillar that symbolizes Stan's temptation of Abraham. The Quran describes how Satan tried to persuade abraham toe not ritually murder his son Ishmael, as commanded by God.

After performing the duties of Hajj the pilgrims then sacrifice a sheep and the meat is distributed to friends relative and the poor. Afterwards they return to mecca and perform a final tawaf and sa'i. They symbolize the completion of the Hajj by cutting their hair. Muslims worldwide gather for communal prayers on the first day of Eid-ul-Adha the feast of sacrifice of Day of Sacrifice. About 3 million Muslims completes the Hajj each year. The Government of Saudi Arabia has contributed significant resources to maintain the holy places and manage the crowd of pilgrims.
Saying of Quran about Hajj,
Thus we settled Abraham at the site of the House the Kaaba saying. Do not associate anything with me and purify my house for those who walk around it ad those who stand there Praying and those who bow down on their knees in worship. Proclaim the pilgrimage among mankind. They will come to you on foot and on every lean best of burden let them come from every deep ravine to bear witness to the advantages they have and to mention God's name of appointed days.
Basic Duties of every Muslim
Tagged as : Basic Duties of every Muslim
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