Saturday, September 3, 2016

Towheed Oneness of God

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The very basis of the religion of Islam is the faith & belief in Only One God-Allah. It is the belief in One Almighty who is the Creator & God of Adam, Abraham, Mosa, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH). The Creator God of all Prophets & every Man of every woman & all Word.
This one God is the only Creator & King of the Universe, the Heavens, the Galaxies, Milky Way, Solar Trailer systems, all other planets & this humble Earth. The Creator of the Sun, Moon Start & the skies.  Allah is the only Creator of all creatures big & Small. The microscopic organisms, the fish & all sea creatures, the insects the birds & the beasts. The creator of Mountains, Forests, Trees Bushes Plants, Flowers of a mere seed. The Creator of the Oceans, Seas, Rivers & Lakes. 
The Creator of Gold, Diamonds, Rubies, Pearl, Coal, or mere stone. 
Things Known & Unknown. It is the God-Allah that is the Greatest & Supreme that everyone of us must believe in Put our trust in worship & ask for the fulfillment of all our needs & wishes for every problem of anxiety big of small. It is He who has the power & Resources to do Everything. 
Allah is the Finest & the most Genius He first created a Man-Adam from clay  & then put a minute fraction of His own spirit in Adam and brought him to life as a human being. We all considering he had no father or mother. 
The Magnificent & all powerful Allah can make such amazing  things happen that we mere mortals with our mere intellect cannot even imagine. The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. When He decrees a matter He only says to it BE and it becomes. 
Reference: The Holy Quran Chapter Al Baqarah, Verse:117 
 For example how God blessed Prophet Abraham & his wife with a son called isaac in very old age the same as God blessed Zechariah as son John in Old age. 
The Almighty also provided heavenly food & Fruits to Mary. She was the most noble & Pious woman of her time who was visited upon by Angels bringing food & God Messages to her. One of the Glad tidings to her was the promise of a Noble son who will be assigned to convey God's message to mankind. Thus like the miracle of life as of Adam & Eve, another miracle of life came to be in the form of Jesus Christ who though was born from mother's womb but had no father. 
Oh mary Verily God has chosen yu purified you from purified you from Polytheism and disbelief and chosen you above the women of the mankind and the genie and gives you glad tidings of a soon, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter and he will be on of the righteous.
Reference: The Holy Quran, Chapter: Al-Imran  42-46   
As God is all Powerful & all capable creating such miracles in the form of human life was not a ig task for him considering how the Almighty was able to create this whole Universe as we know it & all its creatures in just six days. Therefore the importance f worshiping the One True God is the most logical & rightful thing.
Surely your lord is Allah who created the heavens and the Earth in six days and then rose over the throne disposing the affairs of all things. No intercessor can plead with him except after His permission. That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him alone. 
This is the Ultimate Truth 
May the Almighty help each & everyone of us recognize & Believe in the One God only who neither has any son not any daughter who neither tires nor sleeps. He has been here since ever &
will remain forever. We are one of his creations & all the Prophets are superior human beings they are God's friends & messengers only.

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