Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Benefits of reading Holy Quran

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Holy Quran is the most important book of Islam. This Book of Divine and Heavenly knowledge was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PHUH) about fourteen centuries ago and since then it has
been the beacon of light towards which Muslims turn for guidance in every aspect of their lives. Allah (SWT) will bestow his blessing on Human for Reciting Quran 
Although Muslims give great respect to Quran and conduct their matters under the light of instructions mentioned in Quran however due to the busy routine of the present day life very few find the time of reciting the holy Quran on daily bases. Besides religious benefits in the form of rewards there are other benefits and blessings of Quran which one misses by not reciting it on regular bases the lines below bring to liht those blessings and benefits that are missed because of not reciting Quran on daily bases. The first and perhaps the most important blessing missed by a person by not reciting Quran on daily bases is the  forgetfulness of the real purpose of revelation. Although at the time of need and in case of any problem Muslims turn towards Quran however when Quran reading is done on daily bases and Muslim gets to know about the real purpose behind revelation. This purpose is mentioned in Quran in the following way. 
Blessing of Allah On Human being (A Book ( the Quran) which We have sent down to you full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses and that men of understanding may receive admonition From this ayah of Quran it is clear that the purpose of Quran is to bring blessings to person and it instigates the spirit of monitoring in the readers therefore if one does not read Quran on daily bases he or she is actually missing a chance of getting inspiration to ponder over all the things Allah has created and all the matters of life. There is no denying the instructional importance of Quran for a Muslim Therefore if a Muslim does not read Quran on daily bases he or she is actually missing out a chance of providing the right framework to mind. When the mind has as such no framework to follow the ultimate result can be the mind forgetting its true guidelines of becoming a good Muslim daily bases the framework presented by Allah almighty keeps on getting refreshed in the mind and sticking to the right path becomes easy.
Recitation  Benefits: The obvious benefit of missing the daily recitation of Quran that a person experiences is the loss of recitation benefits. Allah Almighty has set reward against each and every word of Quran therefore by reciting Quran on daily  basis, a person gets plenty of reward which gets missed if the recitation is not done on regular basis. Therefore in order to gain religious reward a Muslim needs to recite Quran on regularly every day. 
Cleansing of Heart:
Quran being a heavenly Book is not merely words rather Quran has a direct influence on the heart of the reader or the listener when a Muslim recites Quran it effects the heart and purifies it by cleaning it from all the impurities that stick  on it. Allah almighty says in Quran. Understanding purpose of revealing according to Quran (O mankind There hath come to you an admonition from your Lord and a healing for te diseases in your heart and for those who believe a guidance and Mercy. 
Thus from this ayah of Quran it is evident that one of the objectives of Quran recitation is to help purify the heart and clean it from impurities and diseases of all sorts and kinds.
Benefits of reading holy Quran 
  • Reading and reflecting over the Quran fulfills an Islamic duty.  Indeed the prophet (PHUH) summarized this Religion with his statement: The Religion is naseehah sincerity  so then tameem ibn ibn Aws may Allah be pleased with him then said We asked to whom he said to
    Allah his Book His Messenger the leaders of the people and their common folk Muslim the sincerity that is due to the book of Allah includes its regular recitation learning the rules of tajweed and reciting it beautifully learning about its tafseer and the reasons for its revelation
    affirming that it is the truth the perfect speech of Allah and not part of the creation honoring it and defending it abiding by the orders and prohibitions found in it teaching it and calling to it.  So by reading and reflecting over the Quran one fulfills an obligation and is rewarded for that upon fulfilling this obligation the Quran then becomes a proof for him on the day of judgment and that is our second benefit we will take by embracing this Noble Book.
  •  If you will recite Quran and understand its meaning then it will help you in matters of your life you will be able to live your life according to Quran, orders 
  • If you will memorize chapters of Quran it will improve your memory.
  • Prophet peace be upon him has called that person the best who learns or teaches the Quran.
  • Reading Quran will increase your Emaan and give you peace inside. 
  • The Quran will intercede for us on the day of Judgment. The proof Aboo umaamah relates that the Prophet (PHUH) said Read the Quran for verily it will come on the day of standing as an intercessor for its companions 
  • You will be from the best of the people. Uthmaan may Allah be pleased with him said that the Prophet ( PHUH)  Said the best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and teach it to others (Al Bukhari) 
  • Reading Holy Quran is a great Virtue. According to one Hadith of Prophet (PBUH) whoever will read one letter of Quran will get virtues for it in Ramadan this Virtue will increase 70 times. 
  • By reading Quran a Muslim fulfills his Islamic duty because reading Quran is necessary just like other Islamic worships Salah fast etc. 
  • A person who recites Quran will go to Jannah on day of Judgement according to hadith a person who reads Quran for him it will become a proof in his support on day of judgement Quran will intercede for the person who reads it. 
These are some of the benefits of reading the Quran-E-Kareem we should make it a habit to read Holy Quran regularly and also understand its meaning. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Towheed Oneness of God

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The very basis of the religion of Islam is the faith & belief in Only One God-Allah. It is the belief in One Almighty who is the Creator & God of Adam, Abraham, Mosa, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH). The Creator God of all Prophets & every Man of every woman & all Word.
This one God is the only Creator & King of the Universe, the Heavens, the Galaxies, Milky Way, Solar Trailer systems, all other planets & this humble Earth. The Creator of the Sun, Moon Start & the skies.  Allah is the only Creator of all creatures big & Small. The microscopic organisms, the fish & all sea creatures, the insects the birds & the beasts. The creator of Mountains, Forests, Trees Bushes Plants, Flowers of a mere seed. The Creator of the Oceans, Seas, Rivers & Lakes. 
The Creator of Gold, Diamonds, Rubies, Pearl, Coal, or mere stone. 
Things Known & Unknown. It is the God-Allah that is the Greatest & Supreme that everyone of us must believe in Put our trust in worship & ask for the fulfillment of all our needs & wishes for every problem of anxiety big of small. It is He who has the power & Resources to do Everything. 
Allah is the Finest & the most Genius He first created a Man-Adam from clay  & then put a minute fraction of His own spirit in Adam and brought him to life as a human being. We all considering he had no father or mother. 
The Magnificent & all powerful Allah can make such amazing  things happen that we mere mortals with our mere intellect cannot even imagine. The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. When He decrees a matter He only says to it BE and it becomes. 
Reference: The Holy Quran Chapter Al Baqarah, Verse:117 
 For example how God blessed Prophet Abraham & his wife with a son called isaac in very old age the same as God blessed Zechariah as son John in Old age. 
The Almighty also provided heavenly food & Fruits to Mary. She was the most noble & Pious woman of her time who was visited upon by Angels bringing food & God Messages to her. One of the Glad tidings to her was the promise of a Noble son who will be assigned to convey God's message to mankind. Thus like the miracle of life as of Adam & Eve, another miracle of life came to be in the form of Jesus Christ who though was born from mother's womb but had no father. 
Oh mary Verily God has chosen yu purified you from purified you from Polytheism and disbelief and chosen you above the women of the mankind and the genie and gives you glad tidings of a soon, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter and he will be on of the righteous.
Reference: The Holy Quran, Chapter: Al-Imran  42-46   
As God is all Powerful & all capable creating such miracles in the form of human life was not a ig task for him considering how the Almighty was able to create this whole Universe as we know it & all its creatures in just six days. Therefore the importance f worshiping the One True God is the most logical & rightful thing.
Surely your lord is Allah who created the heavens and the Earth in six days and then rose over the throne disposing the affairs of all things. No intercessor can plead with him except after His permission. That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him alone. 
This is the Ultimate Truth 
May the Almighty help each & everyone of us recognize & Believe in the One God only who neither has any son not any daughter who neither tires nor sleeps. He has been here since ever &
will remain forever. We are one of his creations & all the Prophets are superior human beings they are God's friends & messengers only.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

In Islam A Husband Duties towards his Wife

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Almighty Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala has proscribed certain rights of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Quran says. The women have almost the same rights over men as men have
certain rights over the women in Kindness. Beloved Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said
Best among you are those who behave well with their women. The Prophet of Allah Sallallaho Alihi wa sallam has also said. I make a will to you about the women so obey my will. In another Hadith the Beloved Habeeb Sallallaho Alaihi wa sallam is reported to have said. No believing woman. If he dislikes certain habits of that woman there would certainly be some virtues in her too.
The hadith means that the woman must be having both good and bad habits. an should not always point out her bad habits Only. He should also appreciate her good habits.

The Rights of Wife, 

There are certain obligations that men owe to the women and these obligations should be fully appreciated. 
1.  Every husband has the obligation to provide for the sustenance of his wife. She should be provided with adequate food, a comfortable home suitable clothes and other basic amenities of Life. He should always bear in mind that htis woman has disassociated herself from her parents. brothers and sisters, relatives and friends and has joined him to share all the ups and downs of life. Hence it has become his duty to look after her basic needs and comforts.

2.  It should be remembered that husbands who never bother for the sustenance of their wives commit a severe crime of depriving Allah's Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala creatures of their rights. Such people would be dealt with severely in the Court of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala. The Holy Quran says. Men are the Protectors and maintainers of Women because Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala has given the one more strength than the other and because they suport them from their means. 

3.  The husband should satisfy his wife,s physical needs. The sharee'ah has not prescrigbed any limit for this. But he has to ensure that woman's minimum sexual requirements are met so that she may not commit a sin by eyeing other men in order to quench hwer thirst. There are certain men who after marriage do not take care of the sexual needs of their wives. Such people are great sinners and will be severely convicted in the Court of Allah sSubhanuhu wa Ta'ala Almighty Allah Subhanuhu wa Taala has granted women the right to conjugal relations with their husbands. The
importance of this right can be well understood by the following example of Ameer Al-Mo mineen sayyiduna Umar al Farooq Radi Allahu Taala Anho. It is reported that he was on his rutine inspection round at night in Madinatul Munawwara when he heard and old lady moaning and reciting melancholic couplets. The Caliph radi Allahu Taala Anho stopped there and listned to the wailing lady he Radi allahu Taala Anho investigated the matter and came to know that the husband of the woman had gone for jihad long time ago and this woman has been remembering her husband with these sad couplets. The Ameer Radi Allahu Taala Anho was deeply moved and immediately issued and official decree to all chiefs of his army that no married man should be away from his wife for more than four months.

4.  The husband should no beat up his wife without her committing a most server crime. The messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said Nobody should beat up his wife as he
does beat up his slave. He should make love with her later some time. However if the woman commits a bigger crime the husband can beat her not in vengeance but with the intention of reforming her and as a warning. While beating he should take care that she should not be hurt seriously. The Books of Fiqha have mentioned that the husband can punish his wife for four things. Read more click here


Saturday, August 20, 2016

About Quran

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 Muslims believe the Quran to be the book of divine guidance revealed from God to Muhammad through the angle Gabriel over a period of 23years and view the Quran as God final revelation to
Besides its proper name the Quran is also known by the following names al Kitab the Book Al Furqan the Discrimination Al. Dhikar The Exposition Al Bayan The Explanation Al Burhan The Argument Al Haqq The Truth Al Tanzil The Revelation Al Hikmat The  Wisdom Al Huda The Guide Al Hukm The Judgment Al Mauizah The Admonition Al Rehmat The Mercy Al Noor The Light Al Rooh the word .for mor information about Holy Quran click hear

  In Quran,

No of Paras Holy Quran--  30 
No of Surah's ------------      114
No of Ayats ---------------      6666
No of Rukoos ------------      558
No of Makkai Suran-------  87
No of Madni Surahs-------   27
Last Surah Holly Quran--  Surah-e-Nas
Longest Surah    ----------   Bakara
Short Surah        ----------   Surah-e-Kausar

Importance of Learning Quran

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The Holy Quran is fountain head of entire learning, but there is a striking difference between the holy Quran and other books The Quran is word of Allah SWT and books on various branches of knowledge are human studies of Allahs's creation. These books deal with specific subjects and topics. A book on one discipline is quiet on other disciplines. They are no way comparable with the Holy Quran.  The Holy Quran is a treasure of our knowledge and learning that may may need till end of time. All knowledge originates from the Holy Quran. This is the basic truth of Islamic doctrine of knowledge. We need to get out of the darkness of ignorance and move towards the limelight and bright future. The holy prophet SAW said,

O people I am leaving behind among you the Holy Book Quran and the sun nah way of prophet SAW if you follow these in letter and spirit you will never be strayed.
  • reading the Quran fulfills an Islamic duty. 
  • The Quran will be a proof for us on the Day of Judgment
  • The Quran will intercede for us on the Day of judgment.
  • Your status in this life will be raised.
  • The Quran is the key for peace and satisfaction.
  • The reciters of the Quran will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. 

Children Rights

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Islam cares about childhood and Muslims regard children as gifts trust
from Allah . Parents will be held responsible for this trust on the day of judgement. Hence Islam Pays particular attention to rights of children
and to the proper manner to raise them so that they will be equipped to face the difficulties of life. We must pay more attention to the best interests of the children. All these principles were mentioned in Noble Quran and Ahadith which cares about the rights of child even before he of she is born. Before getting married a man should choose the best
possible woman to be his children mother. Children have the right to be fed clothed and protected until they reach adulthood the child has the right to a good education and a stable environment in which to grow up. Boys and girls as well as orphans possess these rights in full. Nevertheless Allah and Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave parent certain obligations to assure children rights.

Parents Rights

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Parents who gave the means required for bringing us into this world. parents were given an
important place in Islam regardless of their religion. The mother goes through unbearable pain for bringing her child into this
world and the father works hard to keep food and happiness on his family's table. Therefore Islam teaches every Muslim to give their parents high regard sand unparalleled respect. These are the basic compulsory rights of parents that every child should follow regardless of their religion and beliefs.
  • You should not cause them any harm even if they commit any excesses.
  • Respect and honor them in your speech and dealings with them.
  • Obey them in permissible acts. 
 Islam being a religion if pace clearly teaches us thee that we are to respect our parents even if
they do no share the same religion with you. Obeying them in permissible acts refers to acts which do not contradict the teaching of Islam. as long as the parents tell their children to do something that does not go against the teachings of Islam the child was bound to obey them.


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The first and most important duty in Islam after one has brought faith in God and in Prophet Mohammad and
borne witness to Divine Oneness and the Apostleship of the holy Prophet is Namaz. It is most special act of Divine worship which a Muslim is called upon to perform five times a day. There are numerous verses of the Quran and the Traditions of the prophet enjoining the Namaz on us. It has been described as the pillar and the foundation of the faith.
Importance of Praying Namaz,
Sayings (Hadith of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam)
The one who neglact the prayers will receive fifteen punishments from Allah.
Six Punishments in this Lifetime
Three while Dying
Three in the Grave
Three on the Day of Judgment.
The Six Punishments of Life:
  • Allah takes away blessings from his age ( makes his life misfortunate)
  • Allah does not accept his plea Dua's
  • Allah erases the features of good people from his face. 
  • He will be detested by all creatures on earth.
  • Allah does not award him for his good deeds. No thawab
  • He will not be included in the Dua's of good people.
The Three Punishments while Dying.
  • He dies humiliated.
  •  He dies hungry.
  • He dies thirsty. Even if he drinks the water of all seas he will still be thirsty.
 The three Punishments in the Grave. 
  • Allah tightens his grave untill his chest ribs come over each other,
  • Allah pours on him fire with embers. 
Allah sets on him a snake called the brave the bold which hits Him from morning until afternoon for leaving fajr prayer from the afternoon until Asr for  leaving Dhuhr Prayer and so on. With each strike he sinks.
The Three Punishments of the Day of Judgment"
  • Allah sends who would accompany him to hell pulling him on the face.
  • Allah gives him an angry look that makes the flesh of his face fall down.
  • Allah judges him strictly and orders him to be thrown in hell. 
Those who do not say their Prayers of 
  1. Fajar: The glow of their face is taken away.
  2. Zohar: The blessing of their income is taken away.  
  3. Asar : The strength of their body is taken away.
  4. Maghrib: They are not benefacted by their children.
  5. Isha: The peace of their sleep is taken away.
Physical Benefits of Praying Nama
Sal at  Benefits: It is an excellent form of exercise to prevent indigestion. In the morning when stomach is empty a Muslim is required to offer fewer number of Rak'aat whereas in the evening after the dinner we offer an extra number of Rak'aat.
Takhbir Benefits: By offering Takbir at the beginning of salat, we move hand and shoulder muscles thereby increasing the flow of blood towards torso. Akamat performs a similar function.
Sajdah Benefits:The most important function in salat is sajdah where we touch the ground with our forehead. This posture increases fresh supply of blood to our brain. Needless to say in certain forms of Yoga some adherents stand  on their heads for the same purpose where this can be obtain from namaz.
Tashah,hud Position Benefits: In tashah'hud position our hip elbow knee joints backbone wrist joints move in a way that it provides a form of relaxation to out entire body. Pressure is  Applied on the body parts as if it was a kind of massage which releases tension.
Heart Benefits: Heart in the most important organ in the body. It supplies fresh blood to all body tissues. These body movements performed during salat are an excellent source of organ in the body, when it is healthy the whole body is healthy and when this is sick the entire body becomes sick. It is the our heart.
Cartilage Benefits: A remarkable tissue in our body is cartilage. It unique in being a living tissue with no direct blood supply. The only way it receives nutrients and oxygen is by movements of the joints. The pumping effect force blood into the joint area which would otherwise be bypassed. Those who sit at the terminals are in greater danger of ending up  with dead cartilage tissues that will subsequently wear away.  This will leave us with arthritis painful joints and paralysis. Bacteria and viruses find safe haven in joints for this reason as no blood cell can get at them and in most cases neither can antibodies. Salat therefore has man orthopedic benefits for all Muslims. Next time you offer salt thank almighty Allah that he made you a Muslim. Indeed we should be proud to be a Muslim.

Good Manners

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Good manners and noble qualities of mind and character enjoy a place of crucial importance in the structure of Islamic teaching moral evolution and uplift was one of the main objects for which the sacred prophet was raised up.
Ethic  in Islam includes many aspects keeping the promise is an  original Islamic value and honesty in speech and telling the truth are also Islamic values. Returning a deposit  to its regarded as a good behavior in Islam Preferring others over your self is also a good behavior in Islam. All those ethical values were exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his companions in their true sense. A lot Muslim who did not learn Islam and its moral system differentiate between worship and ethical acts and good behavior. When people see a person attending or praying the five daily prayers they think he is a good person and devoted servant of Allah the Almighty. When you see a person absorbed in reciting the Glorious Quran or remembrance of Allah in a lonely place you think he is a good person and devoted servant of Allah the Almighty. And this is true but the matter is same when you see a person who behaves people with truth and kindness according to the ethical standard of Allah and His Messenger. when a person decorates himself with the manners and morals of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and follows the footsteps of the esteemed companions is also a true worshiper of Allah the almighty and a perfect devotee of Him.
Therefore you are required to worship Allah the almighty with both types of worship with the prayer alms giving fasting and pilgrimage alongside the moral actions good behavior honesty in speech avoidance of backbiting and gossip keeping away from the theft deception and lying.
It is noteworthy dear brother when you commit a bad manner with your non-Muslim friends or cheat any of them you represent Islam to them in a bad way and people  think that Islam tells you  to do so and they become haters of Islam because of your behavior. Thus you deserve two punishments: One for  your bad manner and another for alienating people from Islam and its excellent message as you kept them away from studying Islam by your bad representation of Islamic Message.
Likewise when you treat with a good manner you deserve two rewards one for your good ethic and another for your good representation of Islam. Thus you have represented Islamic message in a positive way and encouraged people to study Islam a great religion that has such beautiful and sublime principles. So respected brother and sister be always careful about your manner and be eager to implement the Islamic ethical manners in a perfect way especially when you deal with non Muslims.

In Islam Mutual Relations

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Social conduct good manners and respect for the rights of each other again form and important part of Islamic teachings. One can become and good and true Muslim only when one also observes faithfully the social code of Islam
Said the Prophet:
Every Muslim is Muslim's brother. He should neither harm him himself not leave him alone when someone else does so but try his best to help him and to protect him. Whoever among you will fulfill the needs of his brother God will take it upon himself to fluffing his needs and a Muslim who will remove the distress of a Muslim brother will in return find a distress of his removed buy god on Day of requital and any one who will hide the shame of a Muslim his sins will be hidden by God on the last Day.
Do not bear a grudge of enmity against each other do not be jealous of each other and do not indulge in backbiting
Live like bothers and the servants of One God. It is not allowed to a Muslim to cease to be on talking terms with a Muslim for more than three days.
The life honor and property of a Muslim are sacred for another.
We will not close the present discussion on social relations and mutual rights and duties with the following Tradition which alone is enough to fill our hearts with fear.
The prophet is reported one day to have put the question to the Companion Who is a pauper The Companions replied Our master a pauper is a person who is without a penny of his Own. The Prophet said No A prayers fasting and alms giving but in the world he would have abused someone slandered someone beaten someone and cheated and transgressed against someone. When he will be made to stand at the place of Reckoning those against whom he would have been guilty  of these transgressions will come forward and they will be given from his good deeds what will be due to them till all the fund of his good deeds will be exhausted and then the sins of the aggrieved parties will be forced down upon him and he will ultimately be thrown into hell. Brother ponder over this Tradition and think how utterly ruinous and disastrous it is for us to encroach upon the right of others and to indulge in back biting slander of abuse. If you have transgressed against anyone our usurped his right make amends for it in your lifetime pay back to him what may be his due or seek his forgiveness and resolve sincerely to be careful in future otherwise it is going to cost you very dear in the life to come.



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What is Hajj?  Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Hajj represents one of the peak experiences in the life of a Muslim. The Hajj or pilgrimage is made to the sacred places of Islam and around mecca. Once in a lifetime every Muslim man or woman is expected unless it is impossible to make a pilgrimage a hajj to mecca. The pilgrim should perform the duties of hajj during the sacred month dhul hijjah so as to enter with thousands of others into the annual mass observance of the circumlocution of the Kaaba. The Hajj formally begins of the eight day of Zul-hijjah- the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar.
Before performing the Hajj the pilgrims spend the Day of Arafah (ninth day of Zul-Hijjah) in Arafah. Pilgrims commit the entire day to supplication and devotion. In the evening they move to Muzdalifa. They camp there overnight and offer various prayers. On the tenth day of Zul-Hijjah they return to Mina and throw seven pebbles at a pillar that symbolizes Stan's temptation of Abraham.  The Quran describes how Satan tried to persuade abraham toe not ritually murder his son Ishmael, as commanded by God.    
After performing the duties of Hajj the pilgrims then sacrifice a sheep and the meat is distributed to friends relative and the poor. Afterwards they return to mecca and perform a final tawaf and sa'i. They symbolize the completion of the Hajj by cutting their hair. Muslims worldwide gather for communal prayers on the first day of Eid-ul-Adha the feast of sacrifice of Day of Sacrifice. About 3 million Muslims completes the Hajj each year. The  Government of Saudi Arabia has contributed significant resources to maintain the holy places and manage the crowd of pilgrims.
Saying of Quran about Hajj,
Thus we settled Abraham at the site of the House the Kaaba saying. Do not associate anything with me and purify my house for those who walk around it ad those who stand there Praying and those who bow down on their knees in worship. Proclaim the pilgrimage among mankind. They will come to you on foot and on every lean best of burden let them come from every deep ravine to bear witness to the advantages they have and to mention God's name of appointed days.


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What is Zakat? Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. It has been mentioned along with daily prayers Salaat over seventy times in the Quran. Allah's word commanding and establish regular Salaat and give regular Zakat are referred to in many parts of the Quran. from this we can conclude that after salaat Zakat is the most important act in Islam.
Just as Salaat is the most important act of worship which has to be performed bodily, so is A zkat the main act of worship which has to be performed monetarily. Those who fulfill this duty have been promised abundant reward in this world and hereafter. Whoever evades Zakat has been sternly warned in the Quran and hadith of the consequences.Linguistically Zakat has two meanings: Purification and growth. Technically it means to purify one's possession of wealthy by distributing and prescribed amount to the poor the indigent the slaves or captive sand the wayfarer. 
Slaves of Captives and the wayfarer.
There are many major benefits of giving Zakat:
  1.  It reminds Muslims of the fact that whatever wealthy they may possess is due to the blessings of Allah and as  such it is to be spent according to the His commands. 
  2. Zakat functions as a social security for all. Those who have enough money today pay for what they have. If they need money tomorrow they will get what is necessary to help them live decently. 
  3. Zakat payer pays his dues to Allah as an act of worship a token of submission and an acknowledgment of gratitude. The receiver of Zakat receives it as grant from Allah out of His bounty a favor which he is thankful to Allah.
  4. Economically Zakat is the best check against hoarding. Those who do not invest their wealthy but prefer to save of hoard it would see their wealth dwindling year after year at the rate of the redistribution of income that enhances to demand by putting more real purchasing power in the hands of poor. 
  5. It Prevents extreme financial disparity and a associated social evils and crimes
  6. It lead a man to learn about the laws of Allah because he can never pay his zakat until he has learned the rulings of zakat the kinds of wealth that are subject to zakat and those who are entitled to receive it and other information that he needs.

Durood Shareef

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Saying Du rood shareef as much as possible is the essential part of Islam. Hub-e-Nabavi means to love and affection for Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad-Ur-Rasooallahu (Sallallahu Alaiuyhi Wa Sallam) is the soul of true Islam. We have been Told by Muhammad- Ur-Rasooallahu (Sallallahu Alaiuyhi Wa Sallam) that Durood
Shareef is itself a Light and when Light enters the soul every aspiration is achieved and every goal is won. Always recite Durood-e-Pak with all the love affection and respect and offer it's Savaab to Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad-ur-Rasoolallah (Sallallahu Alaiuyhi Wa Sallam).

Tuba in Islam

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God sent down His Apostles into the world and revealed his book through them so that men may learn to
distinguish good from evil virtue from vice and earn for themselves Divine approbation and deliverance in the life to come by abstaining from the wicked and the

zikr of Allah ( Remembrance of Allah)

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Abu Darda may Allah be pleased with him narrated that Rasool Allah said should i not tell you of such a
thinga which are the best and purest deeds in the court of your Lord high in ranks darajat better for you then spending gold and silver in Allah path and better than slaying the neck of the enemy during war The enemy during war The Sahaba said Yes Oh Rasool Allah He Said it is Zikr of Allah. (Tirmizi)
Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him narrated that Rasool Allah said Any gathering in which People sit and do not do Zikr of Allah and do not send Durood upon their Prophet is of loss for them. If Allah wills give them azab Punishment and if wills forgive them. (Tirmizi)

Roza (Fastinng)

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The most important duty in Islam is Roza of fasting. The Quran says oh ye who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may learn self restraint.
Obligation of fasting
The rule for Fasting is similar to Namaz and is Farz-e-Ain and those who reject to believe it as obligatory Farz is Kafir and those who miss it without genuine reason is a big sinner and will receive punishment in hell. Those children who have the strength should be made to keep a fast and strong boys and girls should be forced to keep a fast a few slaps not with a stick Durr-e-Mukhtar. Fasting for the whole month of Ramadan is obligatory.
 Description of  fasting and age for beginning
According to Shari at the definition of a fast is make the intention to fast for the sake of Allah from the break of dawn to sunset and to refrain from eating drinking of having sexual intercourse. For fasting a woman has to be clean from menstruation or bleeding after childbirth meaning  the fast will not count for woman on her period or still bleeding after childbirth. It is obligatory for a woman on her period of bleeding after childbirth to fast after her state of bleeding is over and she is clean from it meaning to make Qaza for the missed Roza. Fasting is not obligatory for children or for an insane person as long as they remain insane for the whole month of Ramadan  and if they gain sanity any period in the middle and   it is still within the allocated time for intention then they must make the intention and fast from that day onward and the Qaza is necessary for the whole month for example if a person was insane from the first of Ramadan and gained sanity on the twenty ninth day from the break of dawn until midday then they will have to perform Qaza for whole month's fasts click here for more detail................

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Importance of learning Quran

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The Holy Quran is fountain head of entire learning, but there is a striking difference between the holy Quran and other books The Quran is word of Allah SWT and books on various branches of knowledge are human studies of Allahs's creation. These books deal with specific subjects and topics. A book on one discipline is quiet on other disciplines. They are no way comparable with the Holy Quran.  The Holy Quran is a treasure of our knowledge and learning that may may need till end of time. All knowledge originates from the Holy Quran. This is the basic truth of Islamic doctrine of knowledge. We need to get out of the darkness of ignorance and move towards the limelight and bright future. The holy prophet SAW said,

O people I am leaving behind among you the Holy Book Quran and the sun nah way of prophet SAW if you follow these in letter and spirit you will never be strayed.
  • reading the Quran fulfills an Islamic duty. 
  • The Quran will be a proof for us on the Day of Judgment
  • The Quran will intercede for us on the Day of judgment.
  • Your status in this life will be raised.
  • The Quran is the key for peace and satisfaction.
  • The reciters of the Quran will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels.


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