Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Benefits of reading Holy Quran

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Holy Quran is the most important book of Islam. This Book of Divine and Heavenly knowledge was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PHUH) about fourteen centuries ago and since then it has
been the beacon of light towards which Muslims turn for guidance in every aspect of their lives. Allah (SWT) will bestow his blessing on Human for Reciting Quran 
Although Muslims give great respect to Quran and conduct their matters under the light of instructions mentioned in Quran however due to the busy routine of the present day life very few find the time of reciting the holy Quran on daily bases. Besides religious benefits in the form of rewards there are other benefits and blessings of Quran which one misses by not reciting it on regular bases the lines below bring to liht those blessings and benefits that are missed because of not reciting Quran on daily bases. The first and perhaps the most important blessing missed by a person by not reciting Quran on daily bases is the  forgetfulness of the real purpose of revelation. Although at the time of need and in case of any problem Muslims turn towards Quran however when Quran reading is done on daily bases and Muslim gets to know about the real purpose behind revelation. This purpose is mentioned in Quran in the following way. 
Blessing of Allah On Human being (A Book ( the Quran) which We have sent down to you full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses and that men of understanding may receive admonition From this ayah of Quran it is clear that the purpose of Quran is to bring blessings to person and it instigates the spirit of monitoring in the readers therefore if one does not read Quran on daily bases he or she is actually missing a chance of getting inspiration to ponder over all the things Allah has created and all the matters of life. There is no denying the instructional importance of Quran for a Muslim Therefore if a Muslim does not read Quran on daily bases he or she is actually missing out a chance of providing the right framework to mind. When the mind has as such no framework to follow the ultimate result can be the mind forgetting its true guidelines of becoming a good Muslim daily bases the framework presented by Allah almighty keeps on getting refreshed in the mind and sticking to the right path becomes easy.
Recitation  Benefits: The obvious benefit of missing the daily recitation of Quran that a person experiences is the loss of recitation benefits. Allah Almighty has set reward against each and every word of Quran therefore by reciting Quran on daily  basis, a person gets plenty of reward which gets missed if the recitation is not done on regular basis. Therefore in order to gain religious reward a Muslim needs to recite Quran on regularly every day. 
Cleansing of Heart:
Quran being a heavenly Book is not merely words rather Quran has a direct influence on the heart of the reader or the listener when a Muslim recites Quran it effects the heart and purifies it by cleaning it from all the impurities that stick  on it. Allah almighty says in Quran. Understanding purpose of revealing according to Quran (O mankind There hath come to you an admonition from your Lord and a healing for te diseases in your heart and for those who believe a guidance and Mercy. 
Thus from this ayah of Quran it is evident that one of the objectives of Quran recitation is to help purify the heart and clean it from impurities and diseases of all sorts and kinds.
Benefits of reading holy Quran 
  • Reading and reflecting over the Quran fulfills an Islamic duty.  Indeed the prophet (PHUH) summarized this Religion with his statement: The Religion is naseehah sincerity  so then tameem ibn ibn Aws may Allah be pleased with him then said We asked to whom he said to
    Allah his Book His Messenger the leaders of the people and their common folk Muslim the sincerity that is due to the book of Allah includes its regular recitation learning the rules of tajweed and reciting it beautifully learning about its tafseer and the reasons for its revelation
    affirming that it is the truth the perfect speech of Allah and not part of the creation honoring it and defending it abiding by the orders and prohibitions found in it teaching it and calling to it.  So by reading and reflecting over the Quran one fulfills an obligation and is rewarded for that upon fulfilling this obligation the Quran then becomes a proof for him on the day of judgment and that is our second benefit we will take by embracing this Noble Book.
  •  If you will recite Quran and understand its meaning then it will help you in matters of your life you will be able to live your life according to Quran, orders 
  • If you will memorize chapters of Quran it will improve your memory.
  • Prophet peace be upon him has called that person the best who learns or teaches the Quran.
  • Reading Quran will increase your Emaan and give you peace inside. 
  • The Quran will intercede for us on the day of Judgment. The proof Aboo umaamah relates that the Prophet (PHUH) said Read the Quran for verily it will come on the day of standing as an intercessor for its companions 
  • You will be from the best of the people. Uthmaan may Allah be pleased with him said that the Prophet ( PHUH)  Said the best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and teach it to others (Al Bukhari) 
  • Reading Holy Quran is a great Virtue. According to one Hadith of Prophet (PBUH) whoever will read one letter of Quran will get virtues for it in Ramadan this Virtue will increase 70 times. 
  • By reading Quran a Muslim fulfills his Islamic duty because reading Quran is necessary just like other Islamic worships Salah fast etc. 
  • A person who recites Quran will go to Jannah on day of Judgement according to hadith a person who reads Quran for him it will become a proof in his support on day of judgement Quran will intercede for the person who reads it. 
These are some of the benefits of reading the Quran-E-Kareem we should make it a habit to read Holy Quran regularly and also understand its meaning. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Towheed Oneness of God

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The very basis of the religion of Islam is the faith & belief in Only One God-Allah. It is the belief in One Almighty who is the Creator & God of Adam, Abraham, Mosa, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH). The Creator God of all Prophets & every Man of every woman & all Word.
This one God is the only Creator & King of the Universe, the Heavens, the Galaxies, Milky Way, Solar Trailer systems, all other planets & this humble Earth. The Creator of the Sun, Moon Start & the skies.  Allah is the only Creator of all creatures big & Small. The microscopic organisms, the fish & all sea creatures, the insects the birds & the beasts. The creator of Mountains, Forests, Trees Bushes Plants, Flowers of a mere seed. The Creator of the Oceans, Seas, Rivers & Lakes. 
The Creator of Gold, Diamonds, Rubies, Pearl, Coal, or mere stone. 
Things Known & Unknown. It is the God-Allah that is the Greatest & Supreme that everyone of us must believe in Put our trust in worship & ask for the fulfillment of all our needs & wishes for every problem of anxiety big of small. It is He who has the power & Resources to do Everything. 
Allah is the Finest & the most Genius He first created a Man-Adam from clay  & then put a minute fraction of His own spirit in Adam and brought him to life as a human being. We all considering he had no father or mother. 
The Magnificent & all powerful Allah can make such amazing  things happen that we mere mortals with our mere intellect cannot even imagine. The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. When He decrees a matter He only says to it BE and it becomes. 
Reference: The Holy Quran Chapter Al Baqarah, Verse:117 
 For example how God blessed Prophet Abraham & his wife with a son called isaac in very old age the same as God blessed Zechariah as son John in Old age. 
The Almighty also provided heavenly food & Fruits to Mary. She was the most noble & Pious woman of her time who was visited upon by Angels bringing food & God Messages to her. One of the Glad tidings to her was the promise of a Noble son who will be assigned to convey God's message to mankind. Thus like the miracle of life as of Adam & Eve, another miracle of life came to be in the form of Jesus Christ who though was born from mother's womb but had no father. 
Oh mary Verily God has chosen yu purified you from purified you from Polytheism and disbelief and chosen you above the women of the mankind and the genie and gives you glad tidings of a soon, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter and he will be on of the righteous.
Reference: The Holy Quran, Chapter: Al-Imran  42-46   
As God is all Powerful & all capable creating such miracles in the form of human life was not a ig task for him considering how the Almighty was able to create this whole Universe as we know it & all its creatures in just six days. Therefore the importance f worshiping the One True God is the most logical & rightful thing.
Surely your lord is Allah who created the heavens and the Earth in six days and then rose over the throne disposing the affairs of all things. No intercessor can plead with him except after His permission. That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him alone. 
This is the Ultimate Truth 
May the Almighty help each & everyone of us recognize & Believe in the One God only who neither has any son not any daughter who neither tires nor sleeps. He has been here since ever &
will remain forever. We are one of his creations & all the Prophets are superior human beings they are God's friends & messengers only.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

In Islam A Husband Duties towards his Wife

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Almighty Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala has proscribed certain rights of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Quran says. The women have almost the same rights over men as men have
certain rights over the women in Kindness. Beloved Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said
Best among you are those who behave well with their women. The Prophet of Allah Sallallaho Alihi wa sallam has also said. I make a will to you about the women so obey my will. In another Hadith the Beloved Habeeb Sallallaho Alaihi wa sallam is reported to have said. No believing woman. If he dislikes certain habits of that woman there would certainly be some virtues in her too.
The hadith means that the woman must be having both good and bad habits. an should not always point out her bad habits Only. He should also appreciate her good habits.

The Rights of Wife, 

There are certain obligations that men owe to the women and these obligations should be fully appreciated. 
1.  Every husband has the obligation to provide for the sustenance of his wife. She should be provided with adequate food, a comfortable home suitable clothes and other basic amenities of Life. He should always bear in mind that htis woman has disassociated herself from her parents. brothers and sisters, relatives and friends and has joined him to share all the ups and downs of life. Hence it has become his duty to look after her basic needs and comforts.

2.  It should be remembered that husbands who never bother for the sustenance of their wives commit a severe crime of depriving Allah's Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala creatures of their rights. Such people would be dealt with severely in the Court of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala. The Holy Quran says. Men are the Protectors and maintainers of Women because Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala has given the one more strength than the other and because they suport them from their means. 

3.  The husband should satisfy his wife,s physical needs. The sharee'ah has not prescrigbed any limit for this. But he has to ensure that woman's minimum sexual requirements are met so that she may not commit a sin by eyeing other men in order to quench hwer thirst. There are certain men who after marriage do not take care of the sexual needs of their wives. Such people are great sinners and will be severely convicted in the Court of Allah sSubhanuhu wa Ta'ala Almighty Allah Subhanuhu wa Taala has granted women the right to conjugal relations with their husbands. The
importance of this right can be well understood by the following example of Ameer Al-Mo mineen sayyiduna Umar al Farooq Radi Allahu Taala Anho. It is reported that he was on his rutine inspection round at night in Madinatul Munawwara when he heard and old lady moaning and reciting melancholic couplets. The Caliph radi Allahu Taala Anho stopped there and listned to the wailing lady he Radi allahu Taala Anho investigated the matter and came to know that the husband of the woman had gone for jihad long time ago and this woman has been remembering her husband with these sad couplets. The Ameer Radi Allahu Taala Anho was deeply moved and immediately issued and official decree to all chiefs of his army that no married man should be away from his wife for more than four months.

4.  The husband should no beat up his wife without her committing a most server crime. The messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said Nobody should beat up his wife as he
does beat up his slave. He should make love with her later some time. However if the woman commits a bigger crime the husband can beat her not in vengeance but with the intention of reforming her and as a warning. While beating he should take care that she should not be hurt seriously. The Books of Fiqha have mentioned that the husband can punish his wife for four things. Read more click here


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